Deep Carbon Observatory Report Sessions 1-3

 System: Weird North w/ Knave Spellcasting

Cast of Characters

Player Characters

Bish: Cupbearer Contendor
Bish was used as a living weapon until he went psycho and killed his controllers. 
3 hp, 3/4 STR, 15/15 DEX, 6/6 WIL
Currently the wielder of Varistor, the dark blade (1d8+2 / 1d10+2 if used with two hands)

Panus: Pathfinder Warden
(Missed Session 3)
4 hp, 9/13 STR, 12/12 DEX, 15/15 WIL

Rargain: Hunter Sepluchrite
(Missed Session 2-3)
4 hp, 16/16 STR, 11/11 DEX, 14/14 WIL

Raza: Mason Curator
Blacksmith Artificer with a catapult. Hell yeah. Also has an intricate lapis mask he refuses to sell.
4 hp, 14/16 STR, 10/10 DEX, 8/8 WIL

Reshi: Acrobat Oraculary
AKA That fucking old man
2 hp, 10 STR, 5/5 DEX, 9/15 WIL
Currently has a spellbook with Telekenesis, Wall of Fog, and Shield

Allied NPCs

Rem Koolhaus: Met in Session 2, Wizard
5 hp, 6/6 STR, 11/11 DEX, 12/12 WIL
Has a spellbook with Mirror Image, Magic Missile, Levitate, and Unseen Servant

Levi Toka: Met in Session 3, Cleric of BDSM (Blind Dreaming Serpent Mother)
3 hp, 10/10 STR, 9/9 DEX, 13/13 WIL
Has 2 Cure Wounds (1d6+1 STR damage restore) and Cure Disease

Karl the Kapek: Met in Session 3, Kapek Leader
6 hp, 13/13 STR, 11/11 DEX, 7/7 WIL
Can swim swiftly and can sneak well

Session 1

Session 1 ended somewhat shortly after character creation, although we got through the initial opening crawl through the village. The players largely ignored most encounters, although took interest in the Cult of the Optical God and a lady that was trying to save old people and children, although immediately left the following encounter to investigate a woman who found a coin inside of a dead body.

Session 2

Session 2 was more eventful, starting with an attack by the Crows. Bish got a dose of Ghar's Eye Bolt, and nearly won against the Crows, if not for Zolushika casting a sleep spell on the party and getting away. The party woke up, and continued along their way, ignoring the fact that Bish's left eye got a hemorrhage. They watched as two wizards fought on the river, dueling, although intervened once Rem asked for help. Reshi stole the other wizard's book after an expertly tossed throwing ring stabbing right into his head, killing him the first attack of combat. Rem offered to allow them to use his canoe, and then they were off once more! They fought a bunch of human-eating toads, explored a flipped over church, and didn't find much of interest. That was where we wrapped up.

Session 3

Session 3 started off with the players encountering two kids drifting on a sarcophagus. One of the kids called Raza and old smelly geezer and so Raza tried to throw them around and show them what-for. The kids ran away after being tossed around, sadly resulting in the next encounter to not have an audience, which would've triggered Bish's Gladiator ability. Almost leaving, I politely reminded them there was a sarcophagus that the kids were drifting on (I didn't even bother to call it wood until looked at further), and so they opened it and were smart enough to attack first. I made the encounter pretty tough, and rolled well for STR, so he took 20 damage before falling (8 hp, 16 STR, 4 STR remaining before dying). Bish took his sword and, due to recovering a treasure, gained a Prestige feature. Since I personally felt his features weren't great for the campaign, I said we could come up with something fitting at the end of the session. We ended up coming up with: "Dodge: You may optionally take DEX damage instead of STR damage." Raza personally really liked the lapis mask, and thinks its magical. He does not want to sell it, when Rem commented it'd probably fetch a high price somewhere. The players ignored the Eel Trees, the Drowned Tombs, the Corpse Copse, and the Windmill. Moving along the river to Pollnacrom, they encountered the Alpha Platypus, which they managed to kill with Raza's boat catapult. They first tried to avoid it, but it proved too fast. It merely went around Reshi's Wall of Fog, as well. Arriving at Pollnacrom, the players realized they're not very close to the Dam and already sustained lots of STR damage (Raza in particular had taken 10 damage from the mummy's first attack with Varistor). So, they looked for a doctor or Cleric, and was nice enough to introduce a Cleric. Reshi inquired about divine magic, and I described the Blind Dreaming Serpent Mother, and how its followers believe that the world is an egg harboring a giant cosmic snake that will eventually hatch and consume the world. Reshi expressed interest in taking the time to convert and become a Cleric himself, although both Rem and Levi said that Divine and Arcane magic don't get along very well. We wrapped up on the way to the Mill-Wheel, currently 3:00 PM in-game.


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